
This website is intended as a resource for teachers and pre-service teachers. It does not replace a trained professional.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Exposure to a traumatic event that creates a prolonged sense of fear, helplessness or horror

There are three categories of symptoms associated with PTS

Repeated “Reliving”Flashbacks
Recurring dreams
Recurrent distressing memories

Inability to remember
Avoiding places, people, or objects
Emotional "numbing"

Difficulty concentrating
Exaggerated reactions
Sleeping difficulties
Irritability or outbursts of anger

Recall the event,
Express your feelings
Gain a sense of control
Support groups
De-sensitizing strategies

Teachers Can:
Practice relaxation techniques
Encourage and Involve
Avoid comparisons
Have patience
Congratulate successes often

Lucie's Story

Lucie is a six-year-old girl who have been living with her grandmother for about six months. She often has violent temper tantrums "for no reason," and gets into fights with other kids at school. She has started wetting the bed at night, and her grandmother found some violent drawings in her room. Lucie used to live with her mom, but about six months ago her mom and her mom's boyfriends got into a violent argument, and Lucie's mom was killed. Lucie was hiding under the bed at the time, and witnessed her mom's death. She went to stay with her grandmother after this happened. Her grandmother describes Lucie as sullen and withdrawn. She refuses to talk about what happened to her mom, but she seems to act it out when playing with dolls or drawing pictures. She has frequent nightmares about "monsters" chasing her. Lucie has no friends, does not want to play any sports or learn a hobby, and pleads everyday to stay at home from school and play alone in her room instead.

Anxiety BC Has made an interesting video about this

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